Cours express de français pour débutants : 10 structures à connaître absolument! – FLE

You have decided to start learning French? Wonderful idea! Don’t believe those who tell you it’s « VERY » difficult : you need to learn basic things first and not focus too much on grammar or tenses, at least at the beginning. Read the examples carefully, and make SIMPLE sentences : in order to build your confidence as you start learning, keep it simple, it’s enough to make yourself understood by native speakers !

In this crash course, you will learn 10 basic structures so when you finish reading this blog post you will be able to say in French:

  •  I am
  • I have
  • I am going
  • I want
  • I think
  • I like / I love
  • I don’t like
  • I can
  • I know
  • I must/ I have to

Ready? Let’s go !


10 essential structures for beginners / 10 structures essentielles pour les débutants

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Exemples:  Je suis infirmière-  I am a nurse

Je suis à Toulouse- I am in Toulouse

Je suis contente ! – I am happy !

Je suis fatiguée – I am tired

The verb ÊTRE (=be) is used to describe yourself, your state of mind, how you feel, your opinion, where you are.

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Exemples : J’ai 30 ans – I am 30.

J’ai 2 enfants – I have 3 children.

J’ai une voiture – I have got a car.

J’ai de la chance – I am lucky

J’ai envie de manger dehors – I feel like eating outside

The verb AVOIR generally translates as « to have » in English like when you talk about your children or the things you possess but not always : in French we use the verb AVOIR to say how old we are, or to say that we litterally « have luck », or even to say that we feel like doing something.

Don’t worry, most of the time, this verb is easy to use in French !

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The verb ALLER generally means « to go »:

Je vais au supermarché – I am going to the supermarket

If it’s followed by another  verb, it’s a future form:

Je vais partir bientôt – I am going to leave soon

Aller + infinitive = going to + infinitive

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Exemples: Je veux une glace – I want an ice-cream

Je veux dormir – I want to sleep

The infinitive form is VOULOIR, it’s an irregular verb.

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Exemples: Je crois qu’il faut partir – I think we need to go

Je crois qu’il fera beau demain- I think the weather will be fine tomorrow

The infinitive is CROIRE (= to think/ to believe).

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« AIMER » can be tricky : it means like or love, for people and for things !

Exemples: J’aime les hot-dogs – I like hot-dogs

J’aime le chocolat – I like chocolate

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When it’s used for a person, it means « to love » :

J’aime mes enfants – I love my children

If you’d like to say that you like a person, say J’aime bien Nathalie for example.

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The opposite is NE PAS AIMER:

Je n’aime pas la bière – I don’t like beer

Je n’aime pas Céline, elle est méchante – I don’t like Céline, she’s naughty

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To express ability or to ask for permission in French, we often use the verb POUVOIR:

Je peux t’aider si tu veux- I can help you if you want

Je peux fermer la fenêtre? – Can I close the window?

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This is an important verb : SAVOIR (to know). Of course, like many of the very common verbs, it’s irregular.

Je sais – I know

Je sais ce que tu veux dire – I know what you mean

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The French verb DEVOIR is used to express obligation :

Je dois partir – I must/ have to go

Je dois finir cette leçon – I must finish this lesson

Quite simple, right?

Practise making simple sentences when you go shopping, or with your friends and colleagues. Remember : practice makes perfect !


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8 réflexions sur “Cours express de français pour débutants : 10 structures à connaître absolument! – FLE

  1. I have been trying to learn French for a while and Damn this We need more of this.


  2. Very cool! In my opinion French is easy, the thing is it’s crucial to start speaking from DAy 1

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